

There is no peace
when all you are
is your mood.
Through his freeform, nonformalisitc style, Brian's words illustrate our deep connection to fear and joy and how to hold everything in between.He offers everyday wisdom with poetry that pierces that line between pleasure and pain, light and dark, mind and heart.Moonflower was written to help us remember our basic goodness. And by doing so, face life with equanimity regardless of which worldly wind we contact on our path.

About Moonflower

Brian started writing because it was one of the last outlets available to him worthy of his energy. He had tried many other roads to healing but came up short in the so-called “real world.”After a failed teenage suicide attempt, a college athletic career that was cut short by way of injury, and several entrepreneurial business failures, all wrapped up in trying to integrate a childhood of sexual abuse, Brian found himself at midlife full of fear and anxiety. At this junction, he found mindfulness, meditation, and along the way his writing.In Moonflower, Brian demonstrates that writing was not an escape but an act to dive right into the center of life. He never sought out to publish a book, but the poems eventually accumulated with force and fluidity.Over time, his non-linear journey of living with anxiety but pressing on anyway developed into a tapestry of poems that act as an indirect plunge into the timeless wisdom of acceptance.Moonflower is a companion to those who are familiar with anxiety and rather than teaching to escape or annihilate it, Brian hopes the reader gracefully folds the human condition into the plexus of their being in order to transform it rather than transmit it.

Moonflower Samples

A mouth that is either
always ajar or always shut is broken.
The heart, too, must open
and close like the flowers following the rhythm
of the sun and moon
if it wishes to live fully in the life it has been given.

the magic doors
we enter rarely reveal themselves
until we walk through them.
sometimes, getting through the day
all while managing the scream of anxiety in the head
is a triumph of the heart.
Solitude isn't profitable
so we sprint through 18 years of education
without ever learning how to do it.
Meanwhile, the best teachers use the fewest words.
While tripping through this hardship and then
emerging from this pain, we expect to heal.
But most often, we are just different.
Suffering our way to wisdom,
our inner ecology is rearranged, and we soon realize
that our struggles
are no longer unique
but timeless and ordinary.
Inside compassion,
nothing changes.
We just see
things differently.

About The Author

Brian McFadden is a writer who aims to write honestly about the lessons that naturally arise from the constant flux of our days. He has dedicated his work to turning ordinary moments of life into poetry.


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